Forty Years of Success
For four decades SSCS has defined itself by remaining consistent in the face of turbulent industry change.
SSCS celebrated our 40th anniversary last month. The convenience store industry’s seen a lot of challenges during that time. And though transformed, the industry remains more viable than ever, becoming dominant in food market channels that seemed unlikely even ten years ago.
Through the decades, through the paradigm shifts, through the economic ups and downs, SSCS has provided unwavering service and support to our customer base which continues to grow, even as we do. It’s an honor that we’re able to do so.
The irony is—in an industry that has become synonymous with change—SSCS has created market distinction by remaining consistent in several key ways. It begins with a personal approach that informs everything we do. Live phone support, our “with you all the way” philosophy when it comes to onsite and virtual installations, the personal relationships our sales team forms with customers long after the close—all of it enriches the customer’s experience with technology. That a significant percentage of our company’s team has been with us for the long haul adds to this consistency. It’s nice to hear a familiar voice.
And being that it’s our 40th anniversary, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that our association with the retail petroleum industry starts far before 1981. Our founding family has been in the retail petroleum business since the 1940s (which you can read about here in detail). The industry is in our DNA, another consistency that sets us apart.
So where do we go from here? The way we see it, the sky’s the limit for the convenience store industry, which means it should be an exciting time for SSCS, too. And even though we’d never attempt to make industry predictions, we do know we’ll be ready to provide the same service, software, and solutions that convenience store operators have come to recognize over the years.
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