More Ad Outtakes for Your Consideration

Over the course of time, the SSCS creative team produces advertisements for placement in a variety of sources—magazines, social media, and stand-alone collateral, for example.

Usually multiple flavors of the concept are advanced for consideration, but, of course, only one treatment can be selected for any given opportunity.

Turns out sometimes the ads that don’t see the light of day are attractive—or at least, interesting—in their own right. Perhaps they weren’t quite as excellent as the piece that was eventually selected or maybe the message wasn’t as snug a fit for the intended audience, or maybe someone simply had a preference for one image over another.

Since we keep everything we produce, we compile a backlog of these outtakes. And if you’ve been following SSCS, you know that we publish them from time to time, like we did about two years ago.

Well, lately it’s been pretty busy around here, with any number of opportunities for SSCS publicity cropping up early and often. As a result, our creative stockpile has grown significantly, so it seems like a good time to provide some examples of ads that didn’t quite make the cut.

Let’s start with the image at top left. This is the proof for a “pull-down” banner that we display at selected trade shows and meetings. This version was considered a little too busy (and long) for the project and we eventually ended up going with a simplified approach that, among other things, got rid of the testimonial.

Next is a concept for publicizing the Tobacco Rebate Export feature of our Transaction Analysis Big Data solution, which is designed to help users quickly and easy collect tobacco rebate money from tobacco companies. While the image is striking, the steady stream of tobacco rebate income to the back office, which it represents, was deemed a little too abstract (and small) as a visual.

The next concept is for an ad we produced for a trade show publication. Among the critiques it generated was the fact that we don’t really mention what we provide to the market. So this one lost out to something that more explicitly called out SSCS Technology.

The next image appears in selected collateral, but we’ve recently updated it and added some new text to sweeten it a bit. We’re including it because it’s a great overview of how SSCS technology supports almost every part of a convenience store operation and deserves a little more exposure:

Our last selection is something a little different. If you’ve been following SSCS on social media, you know that our installer/technicians are getting a new convenience store up-and-running in Cripple Creek, Colorado, which is some 9,500 miles above sea level. On Wednesday we tweeted out a photo our team took of the town’s charming main street at the break of day. Now we’d like to bookend that image with one of the same street taken at twilight, which by the way is a great way to end this post!