Latest SSCS Notes and News

SSCS has had a lot going on in recent months. Here are some highlights.

October means it’s NACS season. Even as we’re writing this, our SSCS team at the Georgia World Conference Center in Atlanta is working the booth, networking, re-acquainting with customers, and in general, spreading the word about newly developed SSCS products, as well as our established ones.

NACS traditionally signals the end of trade show season, and by default, opens up the path to the end of the year and the hectic retail seasons of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Here at SSCS, the pace remains brisk, with no shortage of activity over the past few months. Here are some highlights.

Company Meeting. In August, we hosted a company meeting at our Salinas headquarters. Three times a year, remote and local SSCS employees converge on our Work St. facility to engage with each other and participate in group developer sessions, sales strategy sessions, and new product and feature demonstrations. It was a good time for everyone to catch up, too, a time for bonding.

In-House Training Sessions at capacity. One of SSCS’s competitive advantages is offering a variety of training options to customers old and new. This includes classroom training. From an SSCS perspective this is the preferred method of training. It’s hard to equal in-person instruction with a qualified instructor, and our lab-like environment helps simulate the feel of what its like to use our products in the environment of a store. It’s always good to see these classes at capacity.

Continuing Adoption of Android-Based Devices. More and more customers are using SSCS hand-held scanning solutions for DSDs and inventory adjustments to a rugged, industrial class, Android-based device from Memor. This adds familiarity and ease-of-use to mobile item management with our already powerful software, which can be downloaded conveniently like any phone app.

The same device serves as the scanning and processing core of our Lottery Management program, another application easily downloaded onto your device. This program is now available in 37 states. Both Hand-Held Software and Lottery Management are fully compatible with the CDBWin back office. Speaking of CDBWin…

CDBWin 7.5.33 is rolling out now. The latest version of our back office includes accounts payable, inventory, and other enhancements, a list of which is available to users on the Portal by clicking CDBWin 7.5.33 in the Enhancement page. And speaking of the portal…

New Portal Design. In the next few weeks, SSCS will be releasing a newly redesigned portal for SSCS Users, a refreshed look and feel that emphasizes usability. A wealth of information is being transferred over from the existing portal, curated to make sure all is up-to-date as it should be. Keep watching SSCS social media for an announcement of the launch.

Well, that’s enough news for now. We’ll be back next week with some notes from NACS and a photo or two. See you then!