The Relationship Business

The SSCS Sales Team is tested, tried, and true. And our customers wouldn’t have it any other way.

Let’s talk about the SSCS Sales Team today. They’re exceptional—and that goes a long way toward making SSCS, our company, exceptional.

It starts with tenure. Our collective sales experience in the retail petroleum is unmatched. Over 80 percent of our team has been here for a decade or more; many of them, significantly longer. The result: a significant advantage for our customer base.

That’s because our sales people have seen more, heard more, and encountered enough “out of the box” retail petroleum business cases to fill a hard drive or two. That kind of targeted, focused experience is difficult, maybe impossible to replicate. It’s become a market differentiator for us, and a cornerstone upon which we’ve built our leading position in the industry as a technology provider.

Our sales team’s acquired know-how isn’t one-dimensional, either. Years of hands-on experience in the field installing systems adds depth to their knowledge, as well as working intimately with our support technicians—experienced professionals, themselves—to ensure that our convenience store customers are immersed in gold standard customer care for the duration.

In other words, it’s not just a desk job.

The process of installing and supporting our software means encountering new variables and industry developments on a daily basis. Our combined experience obviously helps us prepare to handle the unexpected…but there’s another subtler advantage. When you work side by side for years, as is the case with our sales and support teams, you build a rhythm, learn each others’ preferences, and share information gained—all the better to surround customers with the care for which SSCS has become known.

Another value-added benefit of having a sales team that’s in it for the long haul: networking and the shoring up of business relationships become infinitely easier. Vendors and suppliers know who we are; what we do; the positive reputation that precedes us; the potential benefits of our solutions to mutual customers. Ultimately, our sales team’s strong background promotes a healthy flow of information and professional opinion that would be more of a trickle if we were neophytes. Trade shows become more than an opportunity to serve prospects; they’re an opportunity to create new business partnerships.

“We’re a technology company, but we consider ourselves to be in the relationship business and relationships—by their very nature—are long term, not short term,” explains SSCS Vice President of Sales Shawn Herrick. “Backing the businesses that depend upon us isn’t something you can do well unless you’re committed. Our Sales Team genuinely cares for their clients and each other which makes them unique. In the dog-eat-dog, here today gone tomorrow world of sales, it is something that’s rarely found. When you discover it, you realize how fortunate you are to be a part of something so permanent.”