A Fresh Perspective

A focused set of new eyes helps remind us of what makes SSCS special.

We like to catch up with SSCS associates after they have been here a few months—long enough to acclimate themselves to the work environment, yet brief enough that they still view SSCS with a fresh perspective. It’s a process that can lead to new insights on what makes our company distinctive. That’s one of the reasons we like to do it.

This week we sat down with one of our newest sales representatives, who came directly from a large corporate environment. He immediately noticed how his past experience contrasted with the more personal working atmosphere he found at SSCS.

“My first impression of SSCS was of how close and intimate it was compared to what I was used to,” he recalls. “I wasn’t isolated; I was in close proximity to the people who could provide the answers I needed to get up to speed. That kind of professional backing gave me a lot of confidence coming out of the gate.”

That all SSCS departments work under the same roof also proved beneficial. “Our sales and support teams coordinate closely to ensure the best possible experience for new and continuing customers,” he adds. “Having consistent access to the support department, which is right across the hall, really eased my transition and shortened my learning curve. I got a clear sense of what was expected and what to expect. The building is full of know-how. It’s a great way to get a crash course on the industry as well as its management and technology needs.”

One other aspect of the job he finds interesting is the c-sore industry, itself. “It’s a colorful industry, something that everyone knows and can relate to, which makes it kind of fun,” he explains. “It’s not like you’re dealing with a lot of niche products that specialists use, you’re talking about snacks and drinks and stuff everyone can relate to. When a new product is introduced, it’s exciting because it’s something you might end up buying as a consumer. Making it even better is that, with help from our seasoned staff, you find yourself developing into an industry insider, getting versed in the intricacies of proper inventory management, electronic delivery, and dozens of other procedures. In every case, this is the kind of behind-the-scenes activity that a c-store must execute correctly to be successful. I look forward to playing a part in making sure that takes place.”