A Homecoming Welcom

Every December, the SSCS team comes together from all corners of the U.S. to reflect on the past year and look forward to next.

We’re having our end of year meeting at SSCS headquarters right now. It’s an annual get together that the SSCS Blog staff considers the official start of the holiday season.

Think of it as a homecoming. It’s good to see, live and in person, company associates that are out in the field most of the year—spreading the word about SSCS, helping our customers leverage SSCS technology to its fullest, and showing customers how to grow profits even as the market continues to evolve through the continuous development of “Solutions to Fuel Your Bottom Line.”

 An extra electricity crackles through our headquarters when everyone is together. As our company has grown, this effect has become even more palpable.

On the serious side, departments get together to share experiences, engage in peer-to-peer training, and formulate strategies to achieve our business goals. Activity of this kind culminates on the last day with a company-wide meeting at which each member of our management team provides to their assembled colleagues an overview of the most recent happenings in their department and what developments, services, and products and services may be coming down the pike.

There’s less formal stuff going on, too: departments re-acquainting themselves with each other and bonding over lunch, the official SSCS Christmas banquet (with all the trimmings), and evening gatherings where employees spend their leisure time enjoying the best the Salinas Valley and the Monterey Peninsula have to offer. Why, we might even have a raffle, and maybe a surprise or two.

The best companies create a shared sense of identity and accomplishment among their professionals. Getting everybody together as a prelude to the holiday season helps create a foundation that supports this objective, and gets SSCS poised to continue providing our retail petroleum customers the best products and services available to the industry.

It’s a nice send-off for what has been an interesting and exciting to an event-filled year. Wish you were here!