The Best of the SSCS Blog

A curated list for new readers and old ones who want to catch up.

The first SSCS Blog post was published on May 13, 2013. To tell you the truth, that’s hard to believe.

When we started we knew we wanted to publish something regularly. People looking for your material need to know where and when to find it. You need to be consistent. That’s why at the very beginning we decided to shoot for a new post every Thursday. It was an ambitious goal at the time, and some of us wondered if we would have enough material to publish every week. Turns out, it wasn’t much of a problem at all.

Over the past four-and-a-half years the blog has featured customer profiles, interviews with industry figures, articles on life at SSCS, information on trends and news, and a handful of short stories about a fictional c-store named go-go’s where some of the strangest things happen. In addition, since we live on the Monterey Peninsula, one of the most beautiful and interesting areas of the country, we’ve also posted a set of generously illustrated travelogues on the local area.

And even this list doesn’t cover everything. The blog is a hungry beast that devours all kinds of content in order to keep moving forward.

Since the SSCS Blog has been around awhile, we’re taking this opportunity to call to your attention a few past posts that you may have missed. You might call them our greatest hits, but we prefer to think of them as a curated list. Hopefully you’ll find something you missed; something you liked. Maybe you’ll be compelled to explore the rest of our back library (which you can access through clicking All Posts at the top of

Click on a title below to access the original post.

The Undiscovered Monterey Peninsula

This was the first of the local color pieces we wrote, on the hidden gem of the Monterey Peninsula, a little town called Pacific Grove. Subsequent travelogues reflect a refined, expanded approach that shows how we got better over time at doing this. Make sure you check out the entries on Monterey, Carmel-by-the-SeaCarmel Valley, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Big Sur (a five part epic), and most recently, Fort Ord. Take a look, even if it’s only for the pictures.

The SSCS Interview: Mike Lawshe, President and CEO of Paragon Solutions Design

This is one of the earliest reviews we ran. Mike provides some key information and insights on store design in this two-parter.

SSCS Was There: Kyoto, Japan

SSCS representatives tour the industry in Japan. Enough said!

SSCS Support: A Personal Connection

It’s no secret that our support department plays a large role in the success of SSCS. Here’s a little insight on why.

An American Microcosm, Photographed

Professional photographer Edie Bresler was kind enough to share her photographic images which capture the spirit and heart of our nation as channeled through the neighborhood convenience store.

100 Pumpkins for 100 Princesses

Fictional whimsy from a past Halloween featuring everybody’s favorite c-store, go-go’s.

SSCS Customer Success Story: Wittenberg Shell

We’ve written a number of profiles about our customers, and we invite you to take the time to find each one of them. Wittenberg Shell is somewhat unusual for the high end boutique that is part of its store. It’s the kind of unique customer that we love writing about.

Company Town

SSCS has a close relationship with its hometown, Salinas, and in some ways our company culture reflects the city in which it lives. Those looking to find part of the essence of SSCS may find it in this article from February, 2016.

Well, there you have it. We hope that we’ve called your attention to something good that you may have missed, and have whetted you appetite for what’s in the future. See you next week, same place, same time!