Since May 2006 over 132 nuggets of information have been published to create a customer-driven library of knowledge.
Just out of curiosity we looked to see how long we’ve published monthly tips and discovered that we started in May, 2006. You won’t find all of those tips on the portal as our software has evolved significantly since we began, rendering some of those earlier tips out of date. But their sheer number surprised us—since we publish around the first of each and every month that comes out to over 132 nuggets of information, part of our SSCS library of knowledge.
While we’re on the subject of monthly tips, we thought it might be a good time to remind readers about them.
Tips are part of SSCS’s instructional tool suite that compliments the software training our customers receive (videos, online help, interactive PDFs, and user guides are all in the mix). Tips usually focus on one aspect of SSCS technology, providing an in-depth look at a feature in a clear, direct way.
Where do we get ideas for these? Sometimes it’s to introduce a newly released feature and show how to get the most out of it. Other times it’s to highlight a part of the system that we think users may be overlooking.
However, the best tip subjects often come from user suggestions, or from our support or sales team, who are in constant communication with clients and can see patterns where more understanding may be needed. This customer-driven approach helps ensure we do provide what is needed.
If you are a customer and you haven’t checked out the tips for awhile (or at all), there’s no time like the present to start. They help ensure you get all you can out of the powerful features within our software. If you aren’t yet an SSCS customer, just know that the continual release of information through tips is just one of the many solutions we provide to fuel our customers’ bottom line.
Here’s to the next 132!
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