Out on the road, SSCS installer/technicians go the extra mile to get our customers up-and-running. They also get a unique view of the country.

One of our SSCS installer/technicians just returned from a road trip that had taken them through three western states, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Their mission: do the groundwork for getting three of our newest customers up and running with SSCS back office software.

Our support technicians are road warriors; there’s no doubt about that. Installation trips can be a bit of a grind. They require early morning airport arrivals and long drives across unfamiliar terrain toward new destinations.

But these inconveniences are more than outweighed by the positive side of the job. Our technicians get a great sense of fulfillment from being an integral part of a technology transition that will help our customers grow and thrive. We advise, instruct, collaborate with the site’s decision makers on store-specific solutions, and roll up our sleeves to do whatever it takes to position our customers for success and get them comfortable with the SSCS automation that is about to transform their business.

At the same time, we’re entering into personal relationships with each location’s owners, managers, and staff, relationships that will grow and develop over time. We stand strong behind our customers for the long term. Connecting with them in person is how it all begins.

Our well-travelled technicians also benefit from the experience in a way that is perhaps not so obvious: in many cases they get a first-hand, up close and personal view of the United States that others don’t. Sure those drives between sites can be long, maybe tedious, but they can be full of breathtaking views, quirky attractions, new foods, and wide open spaces for thinking and reflection.

Since our support professionals see the United States through a filter others might not, we’ve been encouraging them to grab photos of their surroundings whenever possible, much like the photos accompanying this post. Enjoy!