Summer’s Here and the Time Is Right for…Interns

SSCS taps into the potential of tomorrow’s workforce, today.

Last year SSCS started a paid intern program. We welcomed two interns from California State University Monterey Bay, our neighbor just a few miles up the road. We put them to work helping create new solutions, creating a win-win for SSCS and the interns.

“By offering internships we get people in the door that bring fresh perspectives and creative strategies to real projects,” says SSCS Development Manager Mike. “Not only do our customers benefit from their contributions, the interns gain valuable experience creating production quality software and learning how to work with other team members.”

Last’s year’s program proved enough of a success that this year we’ve added another local school, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, as a source for young talent, while extending the program beyond Development to the Sales and Marketing department.

Shawn, Vice President of Sales for SSCS, explains the need. “To stay ahead of the pack you need to consistently refine your approach to customers,” he says. “Our sales and marketing internship position was created to bring a new look on how we might approach our customers directly and indirectly. It’s enlightening to have someone unfamiliar with our products and services work with us, because they see both the forest and the trees; they keep veteran staff from becoming too insular in how they view our solutions.”

“For students like me who are trying to get their footing in the business world, learning professional skills in a constructive environment like SSCS is of great value,” says Britta, our sales and marketing intern. “Not only will I become savvier in my field, I’ll be better prepared for success following college graduation. I’m excited to be spending time at SSCS this summer!”

As we near the end of summer, we’ll check in again on our interns and see how a real taste of the working world will inform their outlook. See you then.