
Americans love holidays and the symbols of each.

Halloween and the pumpkin patch.

Thanksgiving and the family feast.

Christmas and brightly wrapped packages.

Football season and a trip to the C-store!

We’re not kidding about that last one. In fact, football season could be the C-store operator’s favorite, and for good reason.

Each autumn tens of millions gather in front of the warm glow of their high-def big screen TV, immersed in the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. College, pro, it doesn’t matter. And thanks to the miracle of modern technology (and the dismay of many wives, girlfriends, and partners), a fan—remember, that’s short for fanatic—can watch all day and all night the entire weekend.

That’s hard work and it builds up a big, big hunger and thirst. Luckily, the fan’s go-to solution is the C-store. It has everything —beverages, snacks, grab-and-go sandwiches and deli items, tobacco products—all at reasonable prices (especially when compared to the concessionaire’s stand). Best of all, there’s no long line. You can get out and back before halftime’s over.

Successful C-stores understand how to capitalize on this opportunity. The dazzling range of creativity and innovation they display in doing so spells booming business. Football-themed promotions come in all shapes and sizes. The regional approach is especially popular, given local loyalty to college teams. Some stores tap into the power of football-themed games. And, of course, the Super Bowl is the biggest draw of all.

C-store wholesalers, from donut suppliers to soft drink companies to beer vendors, also get in on the action, giving operators even more flexibility in to transform their store into a football wonderland fans just can’t resist.

Of course, you don’t want to jump on the bandwagon for any promotion. You need to know what promotions work for you. The market’s best c-store back office solutions can do that for you, so you can adjust your promotional strategy and grow a bottom line as hefty as that 350-pound offensive lineman going in the first round of the draft.

The question for C-store operators is, “Are you ready for some football?” The answer should be a resounding, “Yes!” After all, ‘tis the season . . . to build that profit!