A Family Reunion . . . Tenfold
Every NACS is unique; but there will likely not be another with quite the vibe of this one.
NACS always has the feel of an industry reunion of sorts as professionals from around the globe convene to see each other face to face, and personally interact with customers, some of whom they have spoken to over the course of the year, and some they have not.
Of course, this year’s NACS is different. For one thing, we didn’t have a face-to-face NACS in 2020, and a large percentage of the interactions that would have typically taken place over, say, the last 18 months or so—including the regional shows that provide invaluable opportunities for networking, education, and just plain socializing—became virtual.
So it’s no surprise that this year’s NACS, so far, has proven to be just a bit more celebratory than in years past. There’s a bit of a sense of being released from solitary confinement, and maybe a sense of a new appreciation for people, places, and things that we once might have taken for granted.
SSCS is as pleased as anybody to be physically back in the mix getting face time with prospects and partners and maybe taking business relationships to a new level just not achievable through remote interaction. The show is back to being a catalyst for moving forward with existing opportunities, and besides that, it can be a lot of fun, too.
Don’t take our word for it, though. If you’re at NACS, please stop by at booth #3671. We look forward to seeing you, and, oh yeah, we have some pretty exciting SSCS Technology to demonstrate for you, too. Come check us out!
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