SSCS’s Halloween Grab Bag

All thriller, no filler

This special Wednesday Halloween edition of the SSCS Blog contains pictures of the SSCS Team in costume, links to current Halloween-themed events in the industry, and even a blast or two from the past (like the photo from a couple of years ago). Think of it as a bag of Halloween treatsā€”all good stuff you won’t want to throw away.

Links to Halloween-related (mostly) convenience store news

The convenience store industry celebrates Halloween in a big way, and for good reason: it’s a can be a very profitable time of year for retailers. Here is just a smattering of links that have something to do with the industry and Halloween in some way:

Strange things happen at go-gos

Go-go’s is a fictional convenience store created by the SSCS Blog, and is known to attract, er, unusual people and occurrences on a shockingly regular basis. As you might expect, some of the wildest happeningsĀ  at go-gos take place on Halloween, like the time technology got a little out of control and that other time that a fairy godmother showed up demanding 100 pumpkins for 100 princesses. Looking for a little Halloween whimsy? You might find it at go-go’s.

We hope that everyone in the convenience store industry has a great Halloween this year, and we can hardly wait to see what great things petroleum retailers have in store for their customers who drop in on their way to trick or treating tonight. And for those feeling a little uncomfortable with all the spooky stuff that happening today and tonight, we leave you with the comforting gaze of the SSCS Care Bear team.