A few photos from our installer team currently in Washington, D.C.

This week SSCS dispatched a team of installers to our nation’s capital. A cluster of corporate partner Sunoco‘s convenience stores are in the process of installing and/or upgrading their SSCS software.

Though our technicians have their nose to the grindstone helping our customers enter a brand new world of efficiency and profitability, they do manage to get a spare moment from time to time. When that down time happens to be in a historic or picturesque location, one of the fringe benefits of the job is to get out and see the sights. Washington, D.C. is a perfect example.

Sometimes the SSCS Blog is fortunate in that our expert technicians think of us and give us the material we need to put together one of our “Postcards from SSCS” features, like the one you’re reading now. When you talk about United States icons and monuments, nothing really matches what you can find in D.C. These symbols communicate the fundamental nature of America better than any words could. We hope you enjoy them.

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