SSCS Booth at WPMA

SSCS Was There: The 2016 WPMA Show

The Western Petroleum Marketers’ Association Convention and Convenience Store Expo is a premier event on the SSCS events calendar.

WPMA StatesTrade associations are important partners for SSCS and the Western Petroleum Marketers Association (WPMA) is one of the best. Consisting of retail and wholesale petroleum marketers in seven western states, the WPMA has been assisting state level associations in administering their programs, distributing legislative information, and providing convention and membership services since 1953.

It’s important that SSCS maintain a strong relationship with WPMA since they make our industry a stronger industry, doing a lot of the educational groundwork and providing many of the resources that make gas stations and convenience stores poised and ready for the software and services we provide to take their businesses to the next level.

Las Vegas

One of the ways that we support the mission of the WPMA is by being a member, as well as an active participant in their annual convention and convenience store expo, which is finishing up as we type these words. The show holds many benefits for us as well, including:

  • Educating retailers on the solutions we provide.
  • Staying abreast of the latest industry trends.
  • Networking with the vendor community to help educate them on services of interest to them, such as Point-to-Point Conversions and showing them how we can be a good fit for their dealer network.

Tanker on WPMA Floor

Those bullet points are compelling enough inducements on their own, but it would be disingenuous of us to ignore the fact that this year’s event was held in Las Vegas, which offers any number of diversions for a sales team after a long day at the booth. This is evidenced by the look of peaceful satisfaction on the face of our crack sales rep shown below. Thank you, WPMA!

SSCS Sales Rep