
The New Look SSCS Portal, Here, Now

More info on what is sure to become even more of a go-to resource for SSCS customers. The release includes five never before seen instructional videos.


If you’re an SSCS customer, you’re in for a treat because last Friday we launched our completely redesigned portal, a labor of love that is the result of a collaboration among our creative, development, and IT teams. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s easy to access. Let’s show you how:


The customer portal embodies an SSCS strength in that it offers a comprehensive set of informational tools that just may be the best mix of such materials available to the industry.

Before we go further we should mention (yes, this is a brag) that we did it and continue to do it with our in-house staff only. It’s nice to have the necessary expertise right here, in the building. It’s kind of comforting, actually. It’s like we’re creating something for the long haul, and do you know what? That’s exactly what we’re doing.

Our preview last week was somewhat detailed, and while we don’t wish to repeat ourselves, we’d be remiss if we didn’t cover some of the redesigned portal’s highlights. We haven’t removed any content, so customers will find the same information they’ve always been able to rely on—tips of the month, user documents, enhancement lists, etc. The only difference is that we’ve improved the user experience, in some cases, considerably. The technical underpinnings of the portal are friendlier to the creative staff, as well, which means that it will be easier to update the portal on a regular basis. These days content drives everything, including sales, so we’re glad it will be easier to add fresh information whenever we it’s needed.

Now let’s get to the highlights.

Consolidated Departure Page — Technically it’s not part of the portal, but as you can see from Step 2 in the illustration above, once a customer clicka on Customer Login in the SSCS corporate website, they reach a new page that makes it easier to access our web-based apps, as well as the portal (whose icon we’ve made stand out from the others by making it SSCS blue). Clicking the icon of choice takes the user to the appropriate login page, whether it’s for the portal or the app of choice.

mobile_main_pageMobile Friendly — Did we mention this portal, just like our corporate website, is optimized for Smartphones and tablets? Of course we did, a few weeks ago, but it can’t be emphasized enough: Everything, even our videos, cane be viewed from the device of your choice.

As you can see from the diagram above and the screen capture at left, which is directly taken from an iPhone 6, the components on the mobile screen aren’t simply copies of what works on the desktop—they are chosen, formatted, and engineered specifically for the mobile desktop.

Videos and More Videos — The portal contains more videos than ever, two dozen (24) at last count. This includes five that are premiering with this launch—a four part series on processing Direct Store Deliveries with our software, and a look at how to use the Computerized Daily Book’s Custom Reports feature (it’s under “Other Topics” on the video page).


Improved Indexing — Our tip of the month, video, and user guide catalogs continue to grow. Despite the vast expansion of the information we are making available to our customers, the new portal makes it easier than ever for them to locate what they are looking for through the implementation of several sortable lists, such as the one pictured directly below:


Improved Search Feature — We’ve reengineered the portal search function to be much more granular in approach. This will be particularly handy for those who wish to look for specific information within our tip catalog.

If you’re an SSCS customer, we’d like to invite you to start exploring the SSCS Portal at your earliest convenience. If you have staff or colleagues who are also SSCS users, we ask that you make sure they read this blog post to help them start exploring. If you’re not an SSCS customer, well, now you have yet another compelling reason to become one, especially because we’re pretty convinced the best is yet to come.

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